A lot of companies have faced economic depression because of the COVID-19 spread. 인천출장안마
They need to change their ways of thinking in order to survive amid the continued crisis. 인천출장마사지 The continued spread of COVID-19 pandemic has led to the shortage of face masks. 인천출장 And a lot of efforts have been made to extend the period of use. And a domestic manufacturer of cutting board sterilizer has gained an unexpected benefit. As the cutting board sterilizer is known to be effective for sterilizing face masks, the company has received a lot of attention. The improved sterilization effect was proven by an authorized institution. Therefore, the company has seen an increase in sales despite the ongoing difficulties facing other SMEs. 인천출장마사지 And it is planning to make advancement into overseas markets. 인천출장안마 And a domestic company has developed a content that enables users to enjoy traveling in Jeju Island more vividly at home with a VR device. More than 200 tourist attractions in Jeju Island are provided in 360-degree videos instead of pictures or videos that only provide limited visibility. 인천출장 Delivery food is currently experiencing buoyant conditions along with the rise of non-face-to-face consumption amid the COVID-19 spread. 인천출장 And there’s been growing demand for improving the disposable food packing materials. And a domestic company has localized a high-tech oxygen barrier film for food packing which used to depend entirely on imports from Japan. We introduce a lot of domestic companies which have strived hard to make a breakthrough amid the continued spread of COVID-19 pandemic.